Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Debbie’s choice

– Tuesday May 7th 2019 at 7.30pm

Book: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe


Published in 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel was a powerful indictment of slavery in America. Describing the many trials and eventual escape to freedom of the long-suffering, good-hearted slave Uncle Tom, it aimed to show how Christian love can overcome any human cruelty. 

Uncle Tom’s Cabin has remained controversial to this day, seen as either a vital milestone in the anti-slavery cause or as a patronising stereotype of African-Americans, yet it played a crucial role in the eventual abolition of slavery and remains one of the most important American novels ever written.

Our Review

At first we found this novel hard to read with the difficult language and subject matter. However we all found that it gave us great insight into the horrors of slavery. It graphically portrayed how slavery not only destroyed the lives of good, pious men liked Uncle Tom but also corrupted everyone it touched. 

Kindle Link: Amazon